
  • Added GET /card/{cardId}/events endpoint. This endpoint returns events from Visa for a single card, including authorizations, reversals, and verifications. See the API reference for more details.


  • Added userData field to the POST /card and PATCH /card/{cardId} requests. This field allows you to attach your own data to the card, like an email address or an internal ID.
  • Added detailedStatus and declineReason fields to the Transaction schema, which is returned by the GET /transaction and GET /transaction/{transactionId} endpoints.


  • Added PATCH /transaction/{transactionId}/note endpoint. This endpoint allows you to add a note to a transaction. See the API reference for more details.


We’ve made a number of non-breaking changes to the API. For the most part, you can continue to use the API as you have been, as long as you’ve been authenticating via API key. Here’s what’s new:

  • Added /legal-entity endpoint. This endpoint returns the legal entities available to you. You can use this to filter the results of other endpoints.
  • Added optional filter:legalEntityId query params to the following endpoints. This field allows you to specify the legal entity to filter by. If you are authenticating with an API key, this field will default to the legal entity the API key is associated with. If you are authenticating with a user token, you can use this field to filter by legal entity.
    • GET /account
    • GET /transaction
    • GET /card
    • GET /webhook
  • Added optional filter:accountId query params to the following endpoints. This field allows you to specify the account to filter by.
    • GET /card
  • Renamed the PayBySlashUser schema to SlashHandle.
  • Renamed the sourceSlashAccountGroup field in SlashHandle to accountId, which represents the ID of the account that will be used to send and receive funds.
    • Note that this is a breaking change. If you are relying on this field, please update your code to use the new field name.
  • Added GET /slash-handle. The GET /pay endpoint will continue to work, but we recommend updating your code to use the new endpoint, which returns a list instead of a single Slash handle (although the list will usually only contain one element).
  • Added optional sourceSlashHandleId and legalEntityId fields to the POST /pay request body. This field allows you to specify the legal entity or slash handle to use for the payment. (Each legal entity has one Slash handle.) If you are authenticating with an API key, this field will default to your legal entity’s Slash handle. If you are authenticating with a user token, one of these fields is required.
  • Added optional legalEntityId field to the POST /webhook request body. This field allows you to specify the legal entity to create the webhook for. If you are authenticating with an API key, this field will default to your legal entity. If you are authenticating with a user token, this field is required.
  • Added optional accountId field to the POST /card request body. This field allows you to specify the account to create the card for. If you are authenticating with an API key, this field will default to the first commercial account under your legal entity, but we recommend that you specify the account ID explicitly. If you are authenticating with a user token, this field is required.