Legal Entity
Virtual Account
Card Group
List cards
List all cards you have access to.
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.joinslash.com/card \
--header 'X-API-Key: <api-key>'
"items": [
"id": "<string>",
"accountId": "<string>",
"virtualAccountId": "<string>",
"last4": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"expiryMonth": "<string>",
"expiryYear": "<string>",
"status": "active",
"isPhysical": true,
"isSingleUse": true,
"pan": "<string>",
"cvv": "<string>",
"cardGroupId": "<string>",
"createdAt": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"spendingConstraint": {
"merchantCategoryRule": {
"merchantCategories": [
"restriction": "allowlist"
"merchantRule": {
"merchants": [
"restriction": "allowlist"
"spendingRule": {
"utilizationLimit": {
"timezone": "<string>",
"limitAmount": {
"amountCents": 123
"preset": "daily",
"startDate": "<string>"
"utilizationLimitV2": [
"timezone": "<string>",
"limitAmount": {
"amountCents": 123
"preset": "daily",
"startDate": "<string>"
"transactionSizeLimit": {
"minimum": {
"amountCents": 123
"maximum": {
"amountCents": 123
"countryRule": {
"countries": [
"restriction": "allowlist"
"merchantCategoryCodeRule": {
"merchantCategoryCodes": [
"restriction": "allowlist"
"userData": {},
"cardProductId": "<string>"
"metadata": {
"nextCursor": "<string>",
"count": 123
Authentication from public API requests
Query Parameters
Pass in a legal entity ID to filter for cards in accounts under a specific legal entity.
Pass in an account ID to filter for cards under a specific account.
Pass in a virtual account ID to filter for cards under a specific virtual account.
A cursor string to fetch the next page of results
Returns all cards matching the status passed in.
, paused
, closed
, inactive
Pass in a card group ID, This will return all cards that belong to the card group ID passed in. Cannot be combined with filter:cardGroupName.
Pass in a card group name, This will return all cards that belong to the card group name passed in. Cannot be combined with filter:cardGroupId.
Sorts card by creation date or name.
, name
The direction to apply the sort filter by. Default ASC.
The account that this card is associated with
The last 4 digits of the card number
The name assigned to the card that appears on the user dashboard
The month the card expires formatted as MM (01, 02, ..., 12)
The year the card expires formatted as YYYY (2024, 2025, ...)
The status of the card
, paused
, inactive
, closed
When true, a physical card has been issued. Otherwise, this is a virtual card.
The virtual account that this card is associated with
When true, the card will be automatically closed after a single authorization attempt. Note that the card will be closed even if the authorization declines or drops
This field contains the full PAN which will only be sent on a request for a single card when you set the query param "include_pan" to "true"
This field will contain full CVV which will only be sent on a request for a single card when you set the query param "include_pan" to "true"
The card group the card belongs to.
The spending constraint applied to the card
Represents a monetary value
, weekly
, monthly
, yearly
, collective
IANA timezone string. Limits always reset at midnight of the timezone specified. If no timezone is specified, then UTC time is used.
Format ISO-8601. A day that equals today or the past. This is optional.If the preset
is "daily", this value is ignored. If the preset
is "weekly", "monthly" or "yearly", then the this value is used to compute when the limit should start limit.
Represents a monetary value
, weekly
, monthly
, yearly
, collective
IANA timezone string. Limits always reset at midnight of the timezone specified. If no timezone is specified, then UTC time is used.
Format ISO-8601. A day that equals today or the past. This is optional.If the preset
is "daily", this value is ignored. If the preset
is "weekly", "monthly" or "yearly", then the this value is used to compute when the limit should start limit.
Arbitrary information that can be attached to the card. See the PATCH /card/{cardId}
endpoint for more details on how to add user data.
The ID of the card product this card was created with.
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.joinslash.com/card \
--header 'X-API-Key: <api-key>'
"items": [
"id": "<string>",
"accountId": "<string>",
"virtualAccountId": "<string>",
"last4": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"expiryMonth": "<string>",
"expiryYear": "<string>",
"status": "active",
"isPhysical": true,
"isSingleUse": true,
"pan": "<string>",
"cvv": "<string>",
"cardGroupId": "<string>",
"createdAt": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"spendingConstraint": {
"merchantCategoryRule": {
"merchantCategories": [
"restriction": "allowlist"
"merchantRule": {
"merchants": [
"restriction": "allowlist"
"spendingRule": {
"utilizationLimit": {
"timezone": "<string>",
"limitAmount": {
"amountCents": 123
"preset": "daily",
"startDate": "<string>"
"utilizationLimitV2": [
"timezone": "<string>",
"limitAmount": {
"amountCents": 123
"preset": "daily",
"startDate": "<string>"
"transactionSizeLimit": {
"minimum": {
"amountCents": 123
"maximum": {
"amountCents": 123
"countryRule": {
"countries": [
"restriction": "allowlist"
"merchantCategoryCodeRule": {
"merchantCategoryCodes": [
"restriction": "allowlist"
"userData": {},
"cardProductId": "<string>"
"metadata": {
"nextCursor": "<string>",
"count": 123